Tuesday, August 17, 2010

three little birds

Another amazing appt. My cervix was 3cm and no funneling…yahoooooooo!! I told the ultrasound tech that I was going to start running again, (she hit me) and I suggested to my Dr. that I should teach classes on bed rest and cervix maintenance. I don’t know if she necessarily disagreed. I may have spent the better part of my high school years on the basketball bench, but bed rest is something I excel at.

So… I am happy. We are happy – so thrilled! It’s taken a long time to be able to feel good about this pregnancy. But we do. My Dr. talks about a hysterectomy often. I think she wants to prepare us for the possibility… she said she’s never done one in her whole career, but my uterus has this way of holding on to things…. And if I am hemorrhaging too much, well, a hysterectomy might be the only option. But – I am going to try not to worry about that now...since it is totally out of my control, and we are focusing on this one little baby … for now.

In a couple of weeks one of our weekly ultrasounds will be done at a smaller office (in the same building as my Dr.) because the usual tech is going on vacation. I hate this other office. It's where I was first diagnosed with Asherman’s Syndrome. March 17th, 2009. Lucky me. Afterward I called Robbie (quite hysterically) from the car, and of course he told me to calm down and we’d talk about it when I got home. Robbie told me later that when I had called him, he and Scarlet were listening to “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley… but the Elizabeth Mitchell version. “Don’t worry about a thing… 'cause every little thing is gonna be all right.” I remind myself of the pairing of those two happenings often...

I had the most wonderful morning with Scarlet. She stumbled into my room and climbed into bed and snuggled close…she is the world’s best snuggler. Robbie even made a comment the other day how he can’t figure out how we get so close and comfortable - physically. Scarlet and I exchanged “good mornings” after some silent snuggling, then she was ready for her new favorite activity with me… back scratching. I scratched her back and sang her songs …. Over and over by request..."This Little Light of Mine," and "Maybe" from Annie. I thought of my mom and dad and how my mom's back scratches were always light and ticklish... and my dad's were harder but got the itches out. Then I thought of my mom and how I think her and I used to be the world’s best snugglers… and I was so thankful for that precious and lazy time I had with Scarlet this morning.

have a listen...copy & paste the link, then click on the black arrow under Elizabeth Mitchell.


"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
- Marcel Proust