Thursday, September 16, 2010

baby mckay

1.5 lb baby McKay at 24 wks!

At our 24 wk appt today, my cervix measurement was 3.9 cm!!! My Dr. told me to keep doing what I'm doing... and she's not changing my activity level. I was hoping that if I keep doing well that I'll get some restrictions lifted, but that's not the case... which is fine (I guess) since I am able to leave the house in the wheelchair. It could be worse! So, about 84 days to go................of bed rest at least.

I also had my gestational diabetes test which I passed - hooray! And I got a betamethasone shot in my rear. This develops the baby's lungs in case I were to go into preterm labor. Since I am doing so well, my dr. is really not worried about preterm labor anymore, but this was the original plan, so we decided to stick with it. This shot needs a follow-up 24 hrs later, so I have an X on my arse so I know where to give it tomorrow. In my words to the nurse "between the crack and the hipbone, right?" Right.

Last night I was snuggling Scarlet in her bed and she asked if she could feel the baby kick. She put her hand on my stomach and said excitedly "mommy, I felt the baby kick!" (it didn't) but I went along with it... then Scarlet said "Yeah, you missed it, mommy."

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for."
Henry Lewis Mencken

1 comment:

  1. Just read your blog for the first time and praying for your little baby. I hope you are able to find fun adventures in bed-rest.
